finaly some film from our roadtrip to norway/sweden.
we were there about month ago. with alex and bass from holland.
how dynamite it was? very!
from left to right. narvik - ice sea - our car - alex - bass - me - our crib

this is me.

grape tonic and pancake.

then something more from norway.

one non-peleng-picture

final picture from roadtrip. here we are leaving the mighty mountain and skiing center of björkliden and heading back to rovaniemi.

and then something complitly different.
first joonas, sausage and his first sony.

my hand and the smalest ramp in lapland.

this`s from a one nice morning. i guess i was walking to my job.


another grill shot.
friend grilled shark. yes, SHARK!
we had some big shrimps. tasted ok.

everybody recognise this place.
i was there one saturday morning around 9. i was the only one in there. crazy. i will definedly recommend to visit that place at night time or early in the morning. i definedly like to have some peace and room to ride.