two different photos. so different that i thinked to post these in different days. but fuck that and here we go.
center of milans busiest fashion streets. someones sleepingplace. crazy.
and an old lady. trendypussy missfocusedstyle.
airplanes. lentokoneita, as we finnish people say. and then mr. pantteri and cool color mach.
dum dum zhhk. maybe the greatest vinyl fare in whole italy. and i was there today. fuck. italo disco. honky tonk. and everything from elvis to kool moe dee to anthrax. prices where from 50 cents to over 700 euros. hobo looked dudes bought 300 euros vinyls. mad shit as jmikola would say. i spend only 30 euros. just 5 records. what a wuss i was.
monday. so no school. went to see mountains. or some hills. i wouldn`t jump from there. really.
hangoverday without hangover. first. joonas tying to clean the smalest ramp in lapland. that was in april or even in may. second. pantteri. the greates dog in earth.
late night post. new car in the sky. crazy.
tourist day. went to see a huge castle. was ok. then strolling around in sunshine and plus 20 degrees of warm
couple memories from the summer of 2008. although milan is not that bad place to spend 5 months. but i kind of miss finland. the shitty weather of autumn. wet and dry snow. the feeling when your fingers start to move again. and for shizzle the countryside.